Holiday Seasons and Grief

Posted on February 24, 2020 by McVeigh Funeral Home, Inc. under cremation services
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Going through a loss is not easy for anyone but it can be even more difficult when it happens as the holidays approach. You can feel overwhelmed as the season of celebrations start and it can feel like there is not much you can do to help yourself get through it. That is not the case. There are a number of tips that you can turn to that can help you feel a bit better through the holiday seasons after a loss. Here are some things that providers of cremation services in Schenectady, NY recommend.

cremation services in Schenectady, NY

You do not want to rush yourself to feel better. This is a common thing that people try to do and it can be a mistake. You may pretend that you are back to normal but you are not, so it will put a huge strain on your emotions. It can actually slow the healing process down, making it more difficult for you to get through the grief. Give yourself the time you need, even if it means putting off some celebrations if you are not up to them.

Another thing that you want to consider doing is beginning new traditions. This is important if your loved one was someone who was very involved in the holiday celebrations. You may feel like you have to do certain things that have become tradition, but these may feel painful. Instead, why not do something different? This can help you get through the holiday seasons with less stress.

If you want to honor your loved one’s memory during the holidays, you do want to consider adding some activity or something of the sort to the celebrations that bring to mind your loved one. This is an excellent way of acknowledging the loss and ensuring that you are not pushing it aside, which can cause emotional issues. If your loved one enjoyed movies, for example, go watch one in honor of the person you lost. Simple things like this can make a huge difference in how you deal with the holidays after a loss.

Give yourself permission to be happy and do fun things. Lots of people feel guilt at doing things like this, but everyone will understand that you can still be mourning and not be sad all of the time. Keep this in mind and allow yourself to feel something other than grief.

These are all manner of things that you can do to help yourself during the holidays. Be ready to create new traditions but always acknowledge the person you have lost. These are some important things to remember. If you have lost a loved one and are worried about the holidays, you can always speak with a Schenectady, NY cremation service provider and funeral home like us at McVeigh Funeral Home, Inc. Our team is ready to make this easier for everyone, so do contact us. Visit us at 208 N Allen St Albany, NY 12206 or give us a call at (518) 489-0188.

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