How to Plan a Child’s Service

Posted on September 6, 2021 by McVeigh Funeral Home, Inc. under funeral home
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funeral homes in Colonie, NY

After losing a child, one of the most crucial things that you can do is try to get closure. Having a funeral or memorial service can help you do this and can allow you to say your goodbyes to the child. It is never easy to plan a service for a child, but there are some things that can allow you to make the right decisions and put together a beautiful service. To help you with these arrangements, there are some things that directors of funeral homes in Colonie, NY want you to remember.

You want to consider the kind of service that you want. For some families, a funeral or memorial service is a good option. For others, a celebration of life can be more appropriate, especially for an infant or a young child. A celebration of life can allow you to celebrate the child’s life without only focusing on their death. This can be a good choice for lots of families.

Another thing that you want to do is to think about the location of the service. If you are religious, you can have the service at a place of worship, while if you are not, you can choose to have the service at home. There are other options you want to keep in mind, however. You can have the service at home or in another location that your child loved. It can be especially appropriate to do that if you are planning a celebration of life.

You want to consider the music that you have for the service. This can depend on the kind of service that you have. If you want a celebration of life for your loved one, then you want to think about music that can fit that. It will not be the same option as what you would choose for a funeral or memorial service. Think, also, about whether you want religious or secular pieces and what tone you want to set.

funeral homes in Colonie, NYThe readings you choose for the service as another thing that you want to keep in mind. You need to be sure that you consider whether you want to have readings that are religious, or if you want to turn to poetry. An option that you can consider is reading your child’s favorite story at the service.

These are all important things to remember when getting ready to make the arrangements you want for your child’s service. Take the time to consider the kind of service that you want, since that can affect the kind of music as well as the readings that you prefer for the service. If you want to know more about how to plan the service, you can reach out to a Colonie, NY funeral home like us at McVeigh Funeral Home, Inc. Our team is here to help you with the arrangements you need to make. Call us right now or stop by our location to speak with an expert.