6 Actionable Ways to Express Your Condolences

Posted on May 16, 2022 by McVeigh Funeral Home, Inc. under funeral home
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funeral home in Guilderland, NY

Has a friend or someone close to you recently needed a funeral home in Guilderland, NY?

That you are reading this probably means you care enough to want to do more than pay lip service to their grief.

If you are wondering what it is your grieving fellow might appreciate at this time beyond mere words, take a look at the following:

1. Give them a hug

Whether it’s your turn with the family during visitation or seeing them for the first time since the funeral, a warm hug passes a message of support.

You can use a hug as an opening to other things you have to say or do for the bereaved. It works if you are pressed for time, utterly short of words, or when the other person is just too inconsolable for anything else.

2. Bring food

The thing about mourning is that life continues for the living regardless. No matter how sad the situation, there will be mouths to be fed as long as people are around.

It would be nice for the bereaved not to worry about cooking on top of everything else.

So, if you can, fill a need of theirs as you share your sympathies. If not food, you can help with other mundane activities or whatever they need support with at the moment

3. Help out with the funeral planning

If the funeral services haven’t occurred, your friend’s family will need all the help they can get putting one together.

Depending on which part of the funeral they are in charge of, you could help as a support person for errands, picking out stuff for the ceremony, etc.

Even if they say they don’t need anything at the moment, merely hanging around can help them feel less alone.

4. Tell a fond story about the deceased

At a loss of what to say while you spend time with someone in mourning? You can always get their attention by recounting a memorable incident that the deceased was a part of.

Think of a story that can make the person you are talking to smile, preferably one they can take solace in even if it makes them tear up a little.

They need all the convincing they can get at this time that their late loved one will not be erased from people’s memories.

5. Get a condolence gift

Gifting is a symbolic way to tell someone you’ve been thinking about them, making it a viable option for expressing condolences.

Like the food option above, you want your sympathy gift to fit the occasion.

Anything that honors the deceased’s memory or helps make the grieving process easier will do.

funeral home in Guilderland, NY6. Keep in touch

Nothing communicates genuine support like being present. Not just because other people are out of some obligation, but being there because you don’t want them to feel alone.

That doesn’t mean you have to put your own life on hold. Merely staying in contact with the family goes a long way.

Things may never go back to how they used to be, and keeping traditions alive or creating new ones is key to finding a new norm.

If you want to be a part of that, showing up is an excellent place to start.

As a reminder, you can enlist our Guilderland, NY, funeral home if you need help with any of these. We are also good for gifts and flowers, among other funeral services, and it’s never too late with us. Contact us via phone or visit our office today.