Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Funeral Home

Posted on April 25, 2022 by McVeigh Funeral Home, Inc. under funeral home
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funeral home in Colonie, NYIf you are reading this because you are in the process of choosing a funeral home in Colonie, NY, consider it a little win. Certain mistakes aren’t uncommon for families in your position to make.

From wanting to get it all over with to waiting too long to begin making arrangements, there are several reasons one may hurry through picking a funeral home.

Unfortunately, that is a slip that can take one down a slope and potentially lead to avoidable mistakes such as the following:

1. Picking the first funeral home you find

Whether you are searching online or in person, settling on the first funeral home you find is leaving too much to luck.

Rather than gamble that a funeral home will be the right fit for your family, you can improve your odds by doing a little shopping around first.

Check out other options, compare their services and prices, see how you relate to their staff, and then pick the one you feel most comfortable with.

2. Failing to confirm services offered

Another mistake you can make is to assume every funeral home near you offers the same range of services.

Even when implied, ask the funeral director if they provide the exact service(s) you have in mind to get all parties on the same page.

This especially applies if you have a specific, not-so-common funeral service or disposition method in mind.

3. Committing without inspecting the facility

One way to raise your confidence in a funeral home is how open they are to potential customers visiting their facility.

A funeral provider with nothing to hide will readily open its doors if you ask to see where you or your loved one will be treated.

Funeral homes that fail to or seem reluctant to comply may either do so because their facility isn’t up to par, or they outsource services.

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with outsourcing, it’s a red flag if they aren’t upfront with it.

4. Wrong location

There are also cases where people get reeled in by a promo and pick a funeral home that isn’t favorable to their plans location-wise.

This particular mistake may cost you more than the value of whatever you were able to save initially.

Consider the ease of visiting while you make arrangements and that of the people who will be coming to mourn with you at the funeral home.

The right place would ideally be central to the location of most of your funeral attendees.

funeral home in Colonie, NY5. Disregarding the need for a reputation check

Finally, try not to dismiss community input at this point. If you have multiple funeral homes local to you, chances are you know people who have either used their services or attended one there.

Think of someone in the best position to know these things, like your clergyperson or a seasoned neighbor. Ask which they recommend and why.

This will help you determine whether to give the funeral home a chance even if your initial meeting doesn’t go as smoothly or take your business elsewhere.

You can also check what previous customers say about a funeral home online and see if it matches your expectations.

These tips will help in your search for a decent Colonie, NY, funeral home. You will want to apply them together to stack the odds in your favor. You can engage us over the phone or, better yet, feel free to stop by our location today to talk further.